Jeff A. Bilmes's Publications

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Analysis of Deep Neural Networks with Extended Data Jacobian Matrix

Shengjie Wang, Abdel-rahman Mohamed, Rich Caruana, Jeff Bilmes, Matthai Plilipose, Matthew Richardson, Krzysztof Geras, Gregor Urban, and Ozlem Aslan. Analysis of Deep Neural Networks with Extended Data Jacobian Matrix. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), New York, NY, July 2016.






  author = 	 {Shengjie Wang and Abdel-rahman Mohamed and Rich Caruana and Jeff Bilmes and Matthai Plilipose and Matthew Richardson and Krzysztof Geras and Gregor Urban and Ozlem Aslan},
  title = 	 {Analysis of Deep Neural Networks with Extended Data Jacobian Matrix},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},
  year = 	 {2016},
  month = 	 {July},
  address = 	 {New York, NY},


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