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Arka Majumdar

Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems
M230 ECE
Campus Box 352500
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206-616-5558
Research Web Page: NOISE Lab


Arka Majumdar is a professor in the departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics at the University of Washington (UW). He received B. Tech. from IIT-Kharagpur (2007), where he was honored with the President’s Gold Medal. He completed his MS (2009) and Ph.D. (2012) in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. He spent one year at the University of California, Berkeley (2012-13), and then in Intel Labs (2013-14) as postdoc before joining UW. His research interests include developing a hybrid nanophotonic platform using emerging material systems for optical information science, imaging, and microscopy. Majumdar is the recipient of multiple Young Investigator Awards from the AFOSR (2015), ONR (2020), NSF (2019) and DARPA (2021), Intel early career faculty award (2015), Amazon Catalyst Award (2016), Alfred P. Sloan fellowship (2018), UW college of engineering outstanding junior faculty award (2020) and iCANX Young Scientist Award (2021). He is co-founder and technical advisor of Tunoptix, a startup commercializing software defined meta-optics.

Awards and Honors

SPIE Fellow, 2025, SPIE

SPIE Senior Member, 2024, SPIE

Optica Fellow, 2024, Optica

Winer of Rising Stars of Light, Faculty Track, 2023

DARPA Director's Fellowship Award, 2023, DARPA

Young Alumni Achiever Award, 2022, IIT-Kharagpur

IEEE Senior Member, 2022, IEEE

iCANX Young Scientists Award Winner, 2021, iCANX

OSA Senior Member, 2021, OSA

Young Faculty Award, 2021, DARPA

Young Investigator Award, 2020, ONR

ECE Department Outstanding Research Advisor Award, 2019, UW-ECE

UW College of Engineering (CoE) Junior Faculty Award, 2019, UW-CoE

NSF CAREER Award, 2019, National Science Foundation

Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in Physics, 2018, Sloan Foundation

Nominated for Packard Fellowship by UW, 2017, UW

Amazon Catalyst Fellow, 2016, Amazon

Early Career Faculty Award, 2015, Intel

Young Investigator Award, 2015, AFOSR

Winner of Research Velocity Challenge, Intel Labs, Q2, 2014

President's (of India) Gold Medal, 2007, IIT-Kharagpur (for being Institute topper)

Silver Medal, 2007, IIT-Kharagpur (for being the department topper)

Stanford Graduate Fellowship (Texas Instruments fellow), 2007, Stanford University

Jagadish Chandra Bose National Science Talent Search Scholarship, 2003, JBNSTS

Research Projects

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Recent Publications

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