RHEED Overview

RHEED is an imaging technique used in Materials Science for studying the structure of crystals. In RHEED, a beam of high-energy electrons is directed at the sample surface at a low angle. The electrons interact with the atoms in the surface layers of the sample, and their scattering pattern provides information about the surface structure, including its symmetry, roughness, and atomic arrangement.

RHEED overview

RHEED System

Problem Statement

Currently available RHEED systems can only analyze the structure of a crystal at sub-second cycle times, due to the long processing times involved. This limits the control possible over the crystal growth process. Faster capture and monitoring of crystal growth processes can help illuminate the physics behind such processes. They are also expensive due to proprietary hardware and software sold by a small number of companies.

The solution is to have a high-speed camera focussed on the substrate over which the crystal is grown. A convolutional neural network will be used to perform classification on the incoming images to isolate the diffraction peaks and fit to a 2-D Gaussian in real-time. A frame grabber board from Euresys with an onboard FPGA is utilized to interface the camera and compute required for the neural network. The neural network is converted into synthesizable RTL using HLS4ML (See HLS4ML under Research Projects) and Vivado HLS. More specific data on this process is detailed in this Medium article by Ryan Forelli.

Current Work

A version of this system has been implemented for the analysis of a single gaussian spot. One image was able to be processed every 450 to 750 μs with high accuracy. Work is now being done to quantize and improve the accuracy of the convolutional neural network, as well as implement the capability to analyze more than one spot at a time. As shown in the example below, RHEED produces a diffraction pattern with many spots.

RHEED Example

To allow the system to analyze multiple spots at the same time, a custom Keras and HLS4ML layer was created to efficiently crop regions of interest from input images based on user-inputted coordinates. These images will be fed serially into the convolutional neural network to save resource space on the FPGA.

RHEED neural net

Structure of the neural network

Future Work

Possible future additions to this project include:
● Using a YOLO-style neural network to pass the region of interest coordinates to the custom crop layer to reduce human input to the system.
● Training a single convolutional neural network to classify multiple spots at the same time using the custom crop layer.
● Providing control feedback to the RHEED system using the results of the spot analysis.


This work is done in collaboration with Prof. Josh Agar from Drexel University.
Researchers: Abdelrahman Elabd, Pujan Patel, Matthew Wilkinson.