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Akshay Gadre

Assistant Professor
Computing and Networking, Robotics and Controls
EE 430
Campus Box 352500
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: (206) 543-0478
Research Web Page: Networking and Emerging Wireless Technologies (NEWT) Lab
Research Web Page: Personal Website


I am an Assistant Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of University of Washington. I recently received my Ph.D in ECE at Carnegie Mellon University where my research operated at the intersection of wireless, mobile and cyber-physical systems with special focus on empowering the low-power Internet-of-Things devices deployed on earth and space. At University of Washington, my lab explores the upcoming application domains such as satellite IoT, agriculture and underwater devices, to apply our wireless expertise for improving communication and sensing capability of these devices while preserving the security and privacy of sensor data.

Awards and Honors

  • T-Mobile T-Challenge 2024 : AI for Telecommunications Most Engaging Presentation Award
  • ACM SIGBED-SIGSOFT Frank Anger Memorial Award 2021
  • Awarded the 2020-21 CMU CyLab Presidential Fellowship
  • ACM/IEEE IPSN 2020 Best Paper Award (QuAiL)
  • ACM/IEEE IPSN Ph.D Forum 2020 Best Presentation Award (Low-Power IoT)
  • ACM MOBICOM 2018 Best Poster Runner-up Award (LoRaTilt)
  • ACM/IEEE IPSN 2018 Best Paper Award (Charm)

Research Projects

Agricultural Sensing : Building wireless/mobile systems to measure the health of crop and farm

Building Underwater Sensing Modalities : New Sensor design for sensing objects underwater.

Space Constellations: Rethinking satellite communication in the era of space constellations

Recent Publications

  • ToMoBrush: Exploring Dental Health Sensing using a Sonic Toothbrush, June 2024, Kuang Yuan, M. Ibrahim, Y. Song, G. Deng, R. Nerone, S. Vijayan, Akshay Gadre, S. Kumar, ACM IMWUT 2024 / UbiComp 2025
  • Adapting LoRa Ground Stations for Low-latency Imaging and Inference from LoRa-enabled CubeSats, June 2024, Akshay Gadre, Z. Manchester, S. Kumar, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 2024
  • MiLTOn: Sensing Product Integrity without Opening the Box using Non-Invasive Acoustic Vibrometry, May 2022, Akshay Gadre, D. Vasisht, N. Raghuvanshi, B. Priyantha, M. Kotaru, S. Kumar, R. Chandra, ACM/IEEE IPSN 2022
  • OwLL: Accurate LoRa Localization using the TV Whitespaces, May 2021, A. Bansal, Akshay Gadre , V. Singh, A. Rowe, B. Iannucci, S. Kumar, ACM/IEEE IPSN 2021
  • Full Duplex Radios: Are we there yet?, Nov 2020, Vaibhav Singh*, Akshay Gadre*, Swarun Kumar, ACM HotNets 2020
  • Joltik : Enabling Energy-Efficient “Future-Proof” Analytics on Low-Power Wide-Area Networks, Sep 2020, M. Wang, J. Zhang, Akshay Gadre, Z. Liu, S. Kumar, V. Sekar, ACM MOBICOM 2020
  • Millimeter-Wave Full Duplex Radios, Sep 2020, V. Singh, S. Mondal, Akshay Gadre, M. Srivastava, J. Paramesh, S. Kumar, ACM MOBICOM 2020
  • Quick (and Dirty) Aggregate Queries on LP-WANs, Apr 2020, Akshay Gadre, Fan Yi, Anthony Rowe, Bob Iannucci, Swarun Kumar, [BEST PAPER AWARD] ACM/IEEE IPSN 2020



Xinghua Sun

Qiancheng Li

Yadong Li

Andrew Bergey

Athena Parker

Jiexin Ding (co-advised with Shwetak Patel)


Karen Aguilar

Manpreet Kaur


Nathaniel Kassa

High School

Franklin Carter


EE 242 : Signal Processing 1, AUT 22, AUT 23

EE 417 : Modern Wireless Communication, WIN 25*

EE 419 : Intro to Computer Networks, SPR 25*

EE 506 : Modern Wireless Communication, WIN 23, WIN 24, WIN 25*

EE 565 : Intro to Computer Networks, WIN 23, WIN 24, SPR 25*

EE 595A : Advanced Topics in Communication : Space and mmWave Networked Systems, SPR 23

EE 595B : Advanced Topics in Communication : Agriculture and Urban IoT Systems, SPR 24

* Cross-listed undergraduate and graduate course

NEWT Lab Alumni


Vaibhav Singh (M.S. ECE Thesis : On the Feasibility of Laser Inter-satellite Links for Low-latency High Frequency Trading) => U.Pitt. ECE PhD


Qiancheng Li => UW ECE PhD