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Kai-Mei Fu

Virginia and Prentice Bloedel Professor of Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering
Photonics and Nano Devices
B445 PAB & 234 ECE
Campus Box 352500
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206-543-2787
Research Web Page: Quantum Defects Lab


As director of the Quantum Defects Lab, Kai-Mei Fu’s research focuses on identifying and controlling the quantum properties of point defects in crystals, which has potential applications for both information and sensing technologies. Fu has been honored with an NSF CAREER Award, the Cottrell Scholar Award and the UW College of Engineering Junior Faculty Award. They are the co-chair of the UW QuantumX Steering Committee, Director of the NSF National Research Traineeship: Accelerating Quantum-Enabled Technologies, Deputy Director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage, and they hold a joint appointment with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Awards and Honors

Research Projects

Recent Publications

  • Frequency control of single quantum emitters in integrated photonic circuits, Emma R. Schmidgall, Srivatsa Chakravarthi, Michael Gould, Ian R. Christen, Karine Hestroffer, Fariba Hatami, Kai-Mei C. Fu, Nano Letters 18, 1175 (2018) [ Link ]
  • E.E. Kleinsasser, M.M. Stanfield, J.K.Q. Banks3 Z. Zhu, W.-D. Li, V.M. Acosta, H. Watanabe, K.M. Itoh, K.M.C. Fu, “High density nitrogen-vacancy sensing surface created via He+ implantation of 12C diamond,” Applied Physics Letters 108, 202401 (2016) Project 3
  • M. Gould, E. Schmidgall, W. Dadgostar, F. Hatami, K.-M. C. Fu, “Efficient extraction of zero-phonon-line photons from single nitrogen-vacancy centers in an integrated GaP-ondiamond platform,” Physical Review Applied 6, 011001 (2016) Project 1
  • T. Karin, X. Linpeng, M.M. Glazov, M.V. Durnev, E.L. Ivchenko, S. Harvey3, A.K. Rai, A. Ludwig, A.D. Wieck, K.-M.C. Fu, “Giant permanent dipole moment of 2D excitons bound to a single stacking fault,” Physical Review B 94, 041201(R) (2016) Project 2
  • T. Karin, X. Linpeng, M. Durnev, R. Barbour2, M.M. Glazov, E.Ya Sherman, S. Watkins, S. Seto, C. Stanley, K.-M. C. Fu, “Longitudinal spin relaxation of donor-bound electrons in direct band-gap semiconductors,” Physical Review B 94, 125401 (2016) Project 2
  • “Room-temperature detection of a single 19 nm super-paramagnetic nanoparticle with an imaging magnetometer”, Mike Gould, Russell J.Barbour, Nicole Thomas, Hamed Arami, Kannan M. Krishnan, Kai-Mei C.Fu, Applied Physics Letters 105, 0724060 (2014)