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Linda Bushnell

Research Professor
Robotics and Controls
M342 ECE
Campus Box 352500
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206-221-6717
Research Web Page: UW Network Security Lab


Linda Bushnell is a Research Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Washington - Seattle. She received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from University of California - Berkeley in 1994, her M.A. in Mathematics from University of California - Berkeley in 1989, her M.S. in Electrical Engineering from University of Connecticut - Storrs in 1987, and her B.S. in Electrical Engineering from University of Connecticut - Storrs in 1985. She also received her MBA from the University of Washington Foster School of Business in 2010. Her research interests include networked control systems and cyber-physical systems. She is a Fellow of the IEEE for contributions to networked control systems. She is a Fellow of IFAC for contributions to the analysis and design of networked control systems. She is a recipient of the US Army Superior Civilian Service Award, NSF ADVANCE Fellowship, and IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Member Award. She has been a member of the IEEE since 1985, and a member of the IEEE CSS since 1990. She is the Treasurer of the American Automatic Control Council.

Awards and Honors

  • IEEE Fellow, for contributions to networked control systems
  • IFAC Fellow, for contributions to the analysis and design of networked control systems
  • KTH Digital Futures Scholar-in-Residence, 2024
  • Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program Guest Researcher, 2024
  • Fellow, Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association, 2024
  • Distinguished Member, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2017
  • Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2014 - 2018
  • Recognition Award, IEEE Control Systems Society, 2007
  • Chair’s Award, UW Department of EE, 2003
  • ADVANCE Fellow Award, National Science Foundation, 2002
  • Mentor of the Year Award, UW, Women in Science and Engineering, 2002
  • US Army Superior Civilian Service Award, 2000
  • Eta Kappa Nu, inducted 1985, Beta Omega Chapter: University of Connecticut

Research Projects

  • HYDRA: A Submodular Optimization Framework for Dynamic Network Resilience in the Presence of Antagonistic Interactions and Interdependent Failures, AFoSR.

Recent Publications

1.    S. Moothedath, D. Sahabandu, J. Allen, L, Bushnell, W. Lee, and R. Poovendran, “Stochastic Dynamic Information Flow Tracking Game using Supervised Learning for Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats,” Automatica, (to appear 2024).

2.    D. Sahabandu, S. Moothedath, J. Allen, L. Bushnell, W. Lee, R. Poovendran, “RL-ARNE: A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Computing Average Reward Nash Equilibrium of Nonzero-Sum Stochastic Games, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Technical Note (Nov. 2024).

3.    S. Moothedath, D. Sahabandu, J. Allen, A. Clark, L. Bushnell, W. Lee, and R. Poovendran, “Dynamic Information Flow Tracking for Detection of Advanced Persistent Threats: A Stochastic Game Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Oct. 2024).