Jeff A. Bilmes's Publications

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Control of Simulated Arm with the Vocal Joystick

Jon Malkin, Brandi House, and Jeff Bilmes. Control of Simulated Arm with the Vocal Joystick. In Striking a Chord: Vocal Interaction in Assistive Technologies, Games, and More: CHI 2007 workshop on non-verbal acoustic interaction, San Jose, CA, April 2007.






  author = 	 {Jon Malkin and Brandi House and Jeff Bilmes},
  title = 	 {Control of Simulated Arm with the Vocal Joystick},
  booktitle =    {Striking a Chord: Vocal Interaction in Assistive Technologies, Games, and More: CHI 2007 workshop on non-verbal acoustic interaction},
  month =        {April},
  year = 	 {2007},
  address =	 {San Jose, CA},
  wwwnote =      {},


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