Jeff A. Bilmes's Publications
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Concave Aspects of Submodular Functions
Rishabh Iyer and Jeff Bilmes. Concave Aspects of Submodular Functions. In IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, June 2020.
Submodular Functions are a special class of Set Functions, which generalize several Information-Theoretic quantities such as Entropy and Mutual Information [1]. Submodular functions have subgradients and subdifferentials [2] and admit polynomial-time algorithms for minimization, both of which are fundamental characteristics of convex functions. Submodular functions also show signs similar to concavity. Submodular function maximization, though NP-hard, admits constant-factor approximation guarantees and concave functions composed with modular functions are submodular. In this paper, we try to provide a more complete picture of the relationship between submodularity with concavity. We characterize the super-differentials and polyhedra associated with upper bounds and provide optimality conditions for submodular maximization using the-super differentials.
@InProceedings{iyer-concave-submod-isit-2020, author = {Rishabh Iyer and Jeff Bilmes}, title = {Concave Aspects of Submodular Functions}, booktitle = "IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory", year = {2020}, month = {June}, abstract = {Submodular Functions are a special class of Set Functions, which generalize several Information-Theoretic quantities such as Entropy and Mutual Information [1]. Submodular functions have subgradients and subdifferentials [2] and admit polynomial-time algorithms for minimization, both of which are fundamental characteristics of convex functions. Submodular functions also show signs similar to concavity. Submodular function maximization, though NP-hard, admits constant-factor approximation guarantees and concave functions composed with modular functions are submodular. In this paper, we try to provide a more complete picture of the relationship between submodularity with concavity. We characterize the super-differentials and polyhedra associated with upper bounds and provide optimality conditions for submodular maximization using the-super differentials.}, }
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