Jeff A. Bilmes's Publications

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Simultaneous Learning and Covering with Adversarial Noise

Andrew Guillory and Jeff A. Bilmes. Simultaneous Learning and Covering with Adversarial Noise. In Neural Information Processing Society (NeurIPS, formerly NIPS) Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, December 2010. NeurIPS (formerly NIPS) Workshop on Discrete Optimization in Machine Learning: Submodularity, Sparsity & Polyhedra (DISCML)






  author = 	 {Andrew Guillory and Jeff A. Bilmes},
  title = 	 {Simultaneous Learning and Covering with Adversarial Noise},
  booktitle = 	 {Neural Information Processing Society (NeurIPS, formerly NIPS) Workshop},
  note = {NeurIPS (formerly NIPS) Workshop on Discrete Optimization in Machine Learning: Submodularity, Sparsity \& Polyhedra (DISCML)},
  year = 	 {2010},
  address = 	 {Vancouver, Canada},
  month = 	 {December},


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