Jeff A. Bilmes's Publications

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Submodular sketches of single-cell RNA-seq measurements

Wei Yang, Jacob Schreiber, Jeffrey Bilmes, and William Stafford Noble. Submodular sketches of single-cell RNA-seq measurements. bioRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2020.


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Analyzing and sharing massive single-cell RNA-seq data sets can be facilitated by creating a \textquotedblleftsketch\textquotedblright of the data\textemdasha selected subset of cells that accurately represent the full data set. Using an existing benchmark, we demonstrate the utility of submodular optimization in efficiently creating high quality sketches of scRNA-seq data.Competing Interest StatementJB holds a commercial interest in WY, JS and WSN declare no competing interests.


	author = {Yang, Wei and Schreiber, Jacob and Bilmes, Jeffrey and Noble, William Stafford},
	title = {Submodular sketches of single-cell RNA-seq measurements},
	elocation-id = {2020.05.01.066738},
	year = {2020},
	doi = {10.1101/2020.05.01.066738},
	publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
	abstract = {Analyzing and sharing massive single-cell RNA-seq data sets can be facilitated by creating a {\textquotedblleft}sketch{\textquotedblright} of the data{\textemdash}a selected subset of cells that accurately represent the full data set. Using an existing benchmark, we demonstrate the utility of submodular optimization in efficiently creating high quality sketches of scRNA-seq data.Competing Interest StatementJB holds a commercial interest in WY, JS and WSN declare no competing interests.},
	URL = {},
	eprint = {},
	journal = {bioRxiv},


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