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M.P. (Anant) Anantram

Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems
M218 ECE
Campus Box 352500
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206-221-5162
Research Web Page:


M.P. Anantram earned his B.Sc. in Applied Science from P.S.G. College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, his M.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Pune, India, and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. He has worked at the NASA Ames Research Center’s Center for Nanotechnology and was a professor at the University of Waterloo before joining the University of Washington.

Anantram’s group at the UW works on the theory, algorithm and application of modeling methods for nanoscale materials and devices. The group’s current focus is on fast algorithms to calculate Gless, modeling of electron transport in DNA and multi-scale modeling of memory devices such as phase change and resistive memory devices.

Research Projects

Recent Publications


  • Hashem Mohammed
  • Xu Xu



  • MolTran, A code to calculate transport properties in molecules, 2018, Hashem Mohammad, Jianqing Qi and M. P., Anantram
  • Glessuw, Calculates the G< Green's function using the HSC method, 2015, Yunqi Zhao, Ulrich Hetmaniuk and M. P. Anantram
  • Two-dimensional quantum simulator, Public release, NASA Ames Research Center, 2011, Alexei Svizhenko, TR Govind and M. P. Anantram
  • NanoFET, Real space code for two-dimensional nanotransistors, Public release, Nanohub. 2011. Authors: M. P. Anantram, Shaikh S. Ahmed, Alexei Svizhenko, Derrick Kearney, Gerhard Klimeck, "NanoFET," (DOI: 10.4231/D34T6F314)